1218 Pacific Avenue S.F. CA 

We are located in lovely Russian Hill above Hyde Street. We’re a couple of blocks from Grace Cathedral, tucked away from busy streets with a stunning view of the Bay Bridge. There’s a corner store a few doors down as well as a coffee shop on the adjacent corner. We’re three blocks and a lovely walk from Polk Street and if you walk one block up Jones, you can see Alcatraz.

Street parking is available and easily accessible before five o’clock in the evening (allow ten minutes and you should be fine). After five, we recommend allowing twenty minutes to find parking or you can use the parking garage at 1320 Washington. The garage runs parallel to us, between Jones and Leavenworth and the walk to us takes about 3 minutes.

At San Francisco Colonics, we’re an appointment-based business. Because we must run on time to accommodate all of our clients, we cannot accept late appointments by more than 10 minutes. We charge full price for missed or late appointments. We understand that things come up and are happy to cancel an appointment with 48 hours advanced notice.

Questions? Call us at (415) 565-9278
